

QSqlTableModel也是個好東西,卻偏偏太死板。我學這個的時候就在想為啥QTSqlTableModel提供了setFilter(), setSort(); 卻不提供setLimit(), setFields();而且關聯查詢還得用QSqlRelationalTableModel。只好自己幹了。

首先自定義sql查詢語句封裝,web開發寫習慣了,總喜歡用Model,但為了和QSqlTableModel這樣的類區分, 就用Entity吧。


#ifndef ENTITY_H#define ENTITY_H#include #include #include #include “src/common/readini。h”class Entity{public: Entity(QString tName); virtual~Entity(); void dbConn(); // 建立連線 bool sqlExec(QString sql); // 執行sql語句 void where(QString cond); // where條件, 傳遞字串,類似“ name = and password = ” void orderBy(QString orders); // order排序 傳遞字串,類似“ id desc, age desc ” void fields(QString field); // 要查詢的欄位, 類似 “name, password” void limit(int page, int pageSize = 20); // 分頁 void leftJoin(QString table, QString primaryKey, QString foreignKey); // 關聯, table表名,primaryKey主鍵,foreignKey 外來鍵 int getCount(); // 返回總數量 QString joinSqlStrForQueryModel(); // 拼接sqlprivate: ReadIni *readIni; QSqlDatabase DB; //資料庫連線 QString tableName; // 資料庫名稱 QString leftJoinStr; // join字串 QString whereStr; // where字串 QString orderStr; // order字串 QString fieldStr; // field字串 QString limitStr; // limit字串};#endif // ENTITY_H


#include “entity。h”#include Entity::Entity(QString tName) : tableName(tName){ dbConn();}Entity::~Entity(){ if (DB。open()) { DB。close(); }}void Entity::dbConn(){ readIni = new ReadIni(); QMap config = readIni->getMySqlIni(); if (QSqlDatabase::contains(“qt_sql_default_connection”)) { DB = QSqlDatabase::database(“qt_sql_default_connection”); } else { DB = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase(“QMYSQL”); DB。setHostName(config[“host”]); DB。setDatabaseName(config[“dbname”]); DB。setUserName(config[“dbuser”]); DB。setPassword(config[“dbpassword”]); DB。setPort(config[“dbport”]。toInt()); if (!DB。open()) { QMessageBox::information(0, “提示”, “資料庫連線失敗”); } }}bool Entity::sqlExec(QString sql){ QSqlQuery query; if (query。exec(sql)) { return true; } return false;}void Entity::where(QString cond){ if (!cond。isEmpty()) { whereStr = “ WHERE ” + cond; }}void Entity::orderBy(QString orders){ if (!orders。isEmpty()) { orderStr = “ ORDER BY ” + orders; }}void Entity::fields(QString field){ if (!field。isEmpty()) { fieldStr = field; }}void Entity::limit(int page, int pageSize){ if (page >= 0) { //“ limit 5, 20”; int opage = (page-1) * pageSize; limitStr = QString(“ LIMIT %1, %2 ”)。arg(opage)。arg(pageSize); }}// 多個join使用多個leftJoinvoid Entity::leftJoin(QString table, QString primaryKey, QString foreignKey){ // from erp_employees as // left join erp_duties on erp_employees。duty_id = erp_duties。id leftJoinStr += QString(“ LEFT JOIN %1 ON %2 = %3”)。arg(table)。arg(primaryKey)。arg(foreignKey);}int Entity::getCount(){ int count = 0; QString sqlStr = “”; // join if (!leftJoinStr。isEmpty()) { sqlStr += leftJoinStr; } // where if (!whereStr。isEmpty()) { sqlStr += whereStr; } QString lastSql = QString(“SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %1 %2”)。arg(tableName)。arg(sqlStr); QSqlQuery query; query。exec(lastSql); if (query。next()) { count = query。value(0)。toInt(); } return count;}QString Entity::joinSqlStrForQueryModel(){ // field if (fieldStr。isEmpty()) { fieldStr = “ * ”; } QString sqlStr = “”; // join if (!leftJoinStr。isEmpty()) { sqlStr += leftJoinStr; } // where if (!whereStr。isEmpty()) { sqlStr += whereStr; } // order by if (!orderStr。isEmpty()) { sqlStr += orderStr; } // limit if (!limitStr。isEmpty()) { sqlStr += limitStr; } QString lastSql = QString(“SELECT %1 FROM %2 %3”)。arg(fieldStr)。arg(tableName)。arg(sqlStr); return lastSql;}




bool QSqlTableModel::select(){ Q_D(QSqlTableModel); const QString query = selectStatement(); if (query。isEmpty()) return false; beginResetModel(); d->clearCache(); QSqlQuery qu(query, d->db); setQuery(qu); if (!qu。isActive() || lastError()。isValid()) { // something went wrong - revert to non-select state d->initRecordAndPrimaryIndex(); endResetModel(); return false; } endResetModel(); return true;}

可以看出它使用的是QSqlQuery。setQuery(query),而query是從const QString query = selectStatement()這裡來的,再看看selectStatement();

QString QSqlTableModel::selectStatement() const{ Q_D(const QSqlTableModel); if (d->tableName。isEmpty()) { d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String(“No table name given”), QString(), QSqlError::StatementError); return QString(); } if (d->rec。isEmpty()) { d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String(“Unable to find table ”) + d->tableName, QString(), QSqlError::StatementError); return QString(); } const QString stmt = d->db。driver()->sqlStatement(QSqlDriver::SelectStatement, d->tableName, d->rec, false); if (stmt。isEmpty()) { d->error = QSqlError(QLatin1String(“Unable to select fields from table ”) + d->tableName, QString(), QSqlError::StatementError); return stmt; } return Sql::concat(Sql::concat(stmt, Sql::where(d->filter)), orderByClause());}

從返回語句看,可以看出最終返回的是一個sql字串。看吧,有where,有order,就是沒有limit, 沒有join。



#ifndef ERPSQLTABLEMODEL_H#define ERPSQLTABLEMODEL_H#include class ErpSqlTableModel : public QSqlTableModel{ Q_OBJECTpublic: ErpSqlTableModel(QObject *parent = nullptr, QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase()); bool setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role = Qt::EditRole) override; QVariant data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const override; Qt::ItemFlags flags(const QModelIndex &index) const override; QString selectStatement() const override; void setSql(const QString& sqlstr); void disabledCheckbox();private: QMap rowCheckMap; QString sql; bool needCheckBox = true;};#endif // ERPSQLTABLEMODEL_H


#include “erpsqltablemodel。h”#define CHECK_BOX_COLUMN 0ErpSqlTableModel::ErpSqlTableModel(QObject *parent, QSqlDatabase db) : QSqlTableModel(parent, db){}void ErpSqlTableModel::disabledCheckbox(){ needCheckBox = false;}bool ErpSqlTableModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role){ if (!index。isValid()) return false; if (needCheckBox) { int actionColumn = index。column(); if (actionColumn == CHECK_BOX_COLUMN && role == Qt::CheckStateRole) { rowCheckMap[index。row()] = value。toInt() == Qt::Checked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; } } return true;}QVariant ErpSqlTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &idx, int role) const{ if (!idx。isValid()) return QVariant(); if (needCheckBox) { int actionColumn = idx。column(); if (actionColumn == CHECK_BOX_COLUMN && role == Qt::CheckStateRole) { return rowCheckMap[idx。row()] == Qt::Checked ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked; } } return QSqlTableModel::data(idx, role);}Qt::ItemFlags ErpSqlTableModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const{ Qt::ItemFlags flags = Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; if (needCheckBox) { if (index。column() == CHECK_BOX_COLUMN) { flags |= Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable; } } return flags;}QString ErpSqlTableModel::selectStatement() const{ if (!sql。isEmpty()) { return sql; } return QSqlTableModel::selectStatement();}void ErpSqlTableModel::setSql(const QString& sqlstr){ sql = sqlstr;}

這裡添加了一個bool型別的needCheckBox,用於控制是否顯示checkbox列,一個QMap型別的rowCheckMap,用於在每行新增checkbox;一個void setSql(const QString& sqlstr)函式,用於設定sql語句,一個void disabledCheckbox()函式,用於禁用checkbox列。



#ifndef NOTICEENTITY_H#define NOTICEENTITY_H#include #include “src/common/erpsqltablemodel。h”#include “src/common/helptool。h”#include “src/entity/entity。h”class NoticeEntity : public Entity{public: NoticeEntity(); ErpSqlTableModel* getPage(int page, int pageSize = 20); QString mtable;private: //QSqlQueryModel *allList; ErpSqlTableModel *pageList;};#endif // NOTICEENTITY_H


#include “noticeentity。h”NoticeEntity::NoticeEntity() : Entity(“erp_notices”), mtable(“erp_notices”){}ErpSqlTableModel* NoticeEntity::getPage(int page, int pageSize){ this->fields(“id, title, status, created_at”); if (page > 0) { this->limit(page, pageSize); } QString sql = this->joinSqlStrForQueryModel(); pageList = new ErpSqlTableModel; pageList->setTable(mtable); pageList->setSql(sql); //pageList->disabledCheckbox(); pageList->select(); pageList->setHeaderData(1, Qt::Horizontal, “ID”); pageList->setHeaderData(2, Qt::Horizontal, “標題”); pageList->setHeaderData(3, Qt::Horizontal, “狀態”); pageList->setHeaderData(4, Qt::Horizontal, “新增時間”); pageList->insertColumn(0); pageList->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, “選擇”); pageList->insertColumn(5); pageList->setHeaderData(5, Qt::Horizontal, “操作”); return pageList;}

this->fields()呼叫entity。h中的void fields()

this->limit(page, pageSize)呼叫entity。h中的void limit()以實現分頁。


// select a。id, a。department_id, a。duty_id, a。name, a。birthday, a。sex, a。height, // a。weight, a。nation,b。name as dutyName, c。name as departmentName from erp_employees as a // left join erp_duties as b on a。duty_id = b。id // left join erp_departments as c on a。department_id = c。id; QString fields = “erp_employees。id, erp_departments。name as departmentName, erp_duties。name as dutyName, ” “erp_employees。name, erp_employees。birthday, erp_employees。sex, erp_employees。height, ” “erp_employees。weight, erp_employees。nation, erp_employees。created_at”; this->fields(fields); this->leftJoin(“erp_departments”, “erp_departments。id”, “erp_employees。department_id”); this->leftJoin(“erp_duties”, “erp_duties。id”, “erp_employees。duty_id”); if (page > 0) { this->limit(page, pageSize); } QString sql = this->joinSqlStrForQueryModel(); pageList = new ErpSqlTableModel; pageList->setTable(mtable); pageList->setSql(sql); pageList->select();


總條數在entity。h中使用int count()得到;然後計算總頁數

count = entity->getCount();pageCount = (count + pageSize - 1) / pageSize;if (count > 0) { ui->btnPageNext->setEnabled(true); ui->btnPageLast->setEnabled(true); } if (page > 1) { ui->btnPagePrev->setEnabled(true); ui->btnPageFirst->setEnabled(true); }


void NoticeList::on_btnPageFirst_clicked(){ page = 1; initTable();}void NoticeList::on_btnPagePrev_clicked(){ if (page >1) { page——; initTable(); }}void NoticeList::on_btnPageNext_clicked(){ if (page < pageCount) { page++; initTable(); }}void NoticeList::on_btnPageLast_clicked(){ page = pageCount; initTable();}