新概念英語二 Lesson 10 (音訊+原文+單詞筆記)

Lesson 10 Not for jazz


First listen and then answer the question.聽錄音,然後回答以下問題。What happened to the clavichord?


We have an old musical instrument。 It is called a clavichord。 It was made in Germany in 1681。 Our clavichord is kept in the living room。 It has belonged to our family for a long time。 The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago。 Recently it was damaged by a visitor。 She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken。 My father was shocked。 Now we are not allowed to touch it。 It is being repaired by a friend of my fathers。

我家有件古樂器,被稱作古鋼琴,是1681年德國造的。我們的這架古鋼琴存放在起居室裡。我們家有這件樂器已經很久了, 是我祖父在很多年以前買的。可它最近被一個客人弄壞了,因為她用它來彈奏爵士樂。她在擊琴鍵時用力過猛,損壞了兩根琴絃。我父親大為吃驚,不許我們再動它。父親的一個朋友正在修理這件樂器。

新概念英語二 Lesson 10 (音訊+原文+單詞筆記)

New words and expressions 生詞和短語

jazz n. 爵士音樂

a kind of music 一種音樂型別

musical adj. 音樂的

music student : the student who learned music音樂學生:學習音樂的學生

musical student :有音樂天賦的(當與人連用時)

instrument n. 樂器

instrument=musical instrument

clavichord n. 古鋼琴


不是現代的piano,a kind of instrument是一種樂器

recently adv. 最近


damage v。 損壞

key n。 琴鍵


1。鑰匙:key to the door 門鑰匙

2。Do you know the key(答案)to the question?


新概念英語二 Lesson 10 (音訊+原文+單詞筆記)

string n. (樂器的)弦

shock v. 使不悅或生氣,震驚

跟人的情緒有關的動詞的賓語往往是 “人” (以sth為主語)

The news shocks me 這個訊息使我震驚

凡是能夠用 “人” 做賓語, 又是表示人的情緒活動的動詞, 有兩個形容詞形成 :

令人……; + -ing 2。感到…… + -ed

It shocked me。

It is shocking。

I‘m shocked。

get a shock n。

sb。get a shock

surprise 好事壞事都可以, 只要你沒有料到I want to give you surprise。

shock 必指壞事, 令人不悅, 生氣的

allow v. 允許,讓

1、allow doing 允許做某事

Smoking is allowed。=people allow smokeing

2、allow sb。 to do sth 允許某人做某事

sb。be allowed to do sth。

You are allow to smoke(被動語態)

Allow常用於被動語態, 習慣上用被動

You are not allow to enter the room if you don’t take the card with you


touch v。 觸控