
1、艱難的道路有時會顯示出美麗的目的地。Hard path sometimes shows beautiful destination。2、要成為最好的,你必須知道如何處理最壞的情況。To be the best,you must know how to handle the worst。3、小的步伐成就大的成功。It‘s always the small steps that makes the big success。


4、簡單但有意義。Be simple but significant。5、不贏不罷休。Dont stop until you win。6、讓自己變得更好,而不是痛苦。Make yourself better not bitter。


7、每一天都是一個讓自己比昨天更好的新機會。Every day is a new chance to make yourself better than yesterday。8、做一個無人能取代你的人。Be such person that no one can replace you。9、現在人們更相信統一而不是現實。Nowadays people believe more in unity than reality。


10、記住,下一次的考驗永遠會比上一次更好。Remember your next trial will be always better than the last trial。11、不要給消極的時間,你很快就會被快樂包圍。Dont give time to negativity,you will be soon surrounded by happiness。12、重建你的心臟,使它比以前更好,關上你的心門,直到合適的人來敲門。Reconstruct your heart,make it better than before and close the door of your heart until the right person knock in it。


13、把你的夢想轉變成你人生的計劃。Convert your dream into the plan of your life。14、真正的朋友是在患難時而不是在幸福時表現他們的愛情,假朋友是在幸福時而不是在患難時表現他們的愛情。Real friends show their love in trouble not in happiness,fake friends show their love in happiness not in trouble。15、在我的生活中,每個人都教會了我一些東西,但唯一的區別是有些人離我很遠,有些人離我很近。In my life,everyone taught me something but the onlhy difference is some are are gone far away and some are close with me。


16、你會對你現在所遭受的處境心存感激。You will be thankful for the situation that you are suffering now。 #情感#