Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

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Cuatro Caminos TOD(公交導向發展)專案佔地9萬平方米,坐落在墨西哥城北部郊區的城市地鐵2號線終點站上方。一系列建築被規劃來幫助改善現有位置的公共交通狀況,進而為乘客提供安全有序的空間和服務。

The Cuatro Caminos TOD is located in northern Mexico City suburbs, and built over the final station on Line 2 of the city’s Metro (subway) system。 A set of buildings is planned for this 90,000-square-meter property to help improve the flow of public transport in the existing location。 This aim is to improve people’s transit and the surrounding urban area, and to give users more security and a better organized space。


Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

▼臨街視角下的建築,street view of the building

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

位於專案首層的公交站與位於CETRAM中部的Cuatro Caminos地鐵站相連。從公交站開始,建築的兩翼向南北逐漸延伸開。該層設有站臺、公交車操縱檯、和沿著人行道佈置的商店。南側將建造一座18層高、總建築面積為3。2萬平方米的建築。大樓底層和一層為商業區,其餘樓層則為辦公空間。CETRAM強大的內部電路系統使得在主幹道上只需提供兩個接入口,這極大提高了公交運輸的效率。

▼公交車站,the bus station

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

▼從公交站開始,建築的兩翼向南北逐漸延伸開,from here, two wings branch out to the north and south stations

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

The project consists of a bus station on the ground floor which connects with the Cuatro Caminos metro station, located in the middle of the CETRAM。 From here, two wings branch out to the north and south stations。 The platforms and the bus maneuvering area is found on this level, and stores are arranged along the pedestrian routes。 An 18-storey building will be built in the southern wing, with business premises on the ground and first floors, and office space on the remaining levels, offering a total built area of 32,000 square meter。 An internal circuit within the CETRAM improves the efficiency of the bus transport operations, providing just two access points on the main thoroughfares。

▼入口廣場,the entrance plazas

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

▼南側將建造一座18層高、總建築面積為3。2萬平方米的建築,an 18-storey building will be built in the southern wing

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

上下車的客流集中分佈在兩個公交港與現有地鐵站臺的出口線路之間。乘客可以透過兩個分別正對著Ingenieros Militares和Transmisiones Militares大街的入口廣場進入車站中心。入口廣場和站臺將乘客在一樓分散開,一方面確保源源不斷的人流湧入商店,另一方面也可以將通往站臺的擁擠路線相互錯開。三樓建成了一個美食廣場和電影院。三個地下停車場滿足了規定所需的停車位數量。建築外立面覆蓋有圖案化的模切鋁板,建築所需的大多數零部件都是在異地車間中預先製造的。這樣的施工系統大幅減輕了建築物的整體重量並加快了建造過程。

▼客流分佈集中的公交站,the bus station with concentrated passenger flow

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

▼公交站與地鐵出口相連,the bus station is connected to the subway exit

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

The passenger flow is distributed along two bays to board and alight from the buses, and is connected to the exit routes from the platforms of the existing metro platforms。 Users can walk into the center across two entrance plazas, one facing onto Av。 Ingenieros Militares and the other onto Av。 Transmisiones Militares。 The entrance plazas and platforms distribute the users on the first level, ensuring a continuous flow to the stores while also staggering the routes toward the platforms。
The third level completes the development with a food court and movie theaters。
The design includes three underground parking lots to meet the regulations that specify the required number of parking spaces。 The façades are clad in patterned die-cut aluminum sheets, and the construction system lightens the building and speeds up the building process since most of the component parts are prefabricated in off- site workshops。

▼入口廣場中的商鋪將客流分散,shops in the entrance plaza disperse the flow of passengers

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa

▼換乘通道,the change channel

Cuatro Caminos公共交通綜合體,墨西哥Manuel Cervantes Estudio + Jsa


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