


Vocabulary: eating 詞彙: 飲食

It’s good to enjoy food, but sometimes stories about the dangers of eating certain things can be hard to digest。 I love to tuck into to a pepperoni pizza or munch on a jam doughnut, even though I know the dangers that lurk in their ingredients。 It’s clear that processed foods are not the most nutritious things; but there now comes a new threat - from ultra-processed foods。

Scientists have now discovered that eating these types of food - such as chicken nuggets, ice cream and breakfast cereals - have been linked to early death and poor health。 This is the stuff that has been through more substantial industrial processing and often has long ingredient lists on the packet, including added preservatives, sweeteners or colour enhancers。

Knowing that your bowl of cornflakes could be bad for you might be hard to swallow, but two studies have shown that people eating more ultra-processed food had worse heart health。 Dr Mathilde Touvier from the University of Paris, who conducted one of the studies, told the BBC: “The rapid and worldwide increasing consumption of ultra-processed foods, to the detriment of less processed foods, may drive a substantial burden of cardiovascular diseases in the next decades。”

But it might not be completely necessary to change your diet just yet as there is still some uncertainty about the results of the study and questions still to answer。 Kevin McConway, a professor of statistics at The Open University, told the BBC: “These studies do increase my confidence that there‘s something real behind these associations - but I’m still far from sure。”

Maybe we should follow the advice of The US National Institutes of Health, which found that ultra-processed foods lead people to eat more and put on more weight。 It suggests avoiding food containing ingredients you cannot pronounce or anything your grandmother would not recognise as food! The obvious thing to do seems to be to feast on more unprocessed foods, such as fruit, vegetables, fish, nuts and seeds, beans, lentils and wholegrains, often called a Mediterranean-style diet。 After all, we are what we eat!


hard to digest 難以(讓人)接受

tuck into 盡情地吃,痛快地吃

ingredient 成分,配料

processed foods 經過加工的食品

nutritious 營養豐富的

preservative 防腐劑

sweetener 甜味劑

colour enhancers 色素

hard to swallow 令人難以置信

consumption 食用

cardiovascular disease 心血管疾病

diet 飲食

feast on 盡情享用,大吃大喝

unprocessed 未經加工的

wholegrain 全穀物的

Mediterranean-style diet 地中海式飲食

we are what we eat 人如其食


1. 閱讀課文並回答問題。

1。 According to new studies, what might be worse than processed foods?

2。 True or false? An ultra-processed food item contains many ingredients。

3。 How might eating too much ultra-processed food be bad for your health?

4。 According to one study, what should you do if your grandmother doesn’t recognise what you’re eating?

5。 Which word used in the article means ‘connections between two things’?

2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1。 When I’m on holiday I like to _______ a nice plate of bacon and eggs for my breakfast!

tuck up

tuck on

tuck into

tuck out

2。 _______ of coffee has increased considerably。 Now there seems to be a shop selling it on every street corner。





3。 After being ill for several weeks, my doctor has recommended I eat some _______ meals to improve my health。





4。 Getting poor grades in my exams was _______ - but I guess I can try again next year。

hard and swallow

hard to swallowing

hardly swallow

hard to swallow

5。 The bread tasted awful! I think it was full of _______, which is why it stayed fresh for a week!

colour enhancers



processed food


1. 閱讀課文並回答問題。

1。According to new studies, what might be worse than processed foods?

Studies have found the worst kinds of food are ultra-processed ones。

2。True or false? An ultra-processed food item contains many ingredients。

True。 Scientists have found ultra-processed foods have been through more substantial industrial processing and often have long ingredient lists on the packet。

3。 How might eating too much ultra-processed food be bad for your health?

Two studies have shown that people eating more ultra-processed food had worse heart health, also known as cardiovascular diseases。

4。 According to one study, what should you do if your grandmother doesn’t recognise what you’re eating?

The US National Institutes of Health suggests avoiding or cutting down on anything your grandmother would not recognise as food!

5。 Which word used in the article means ‘connections between two things’?

The word is ‘associations’。 Kevin McConway, a professor of statistics at The Open University, told the BBC: “These studies do increase my confidence that there‘s something real behind these associations - but I’m still far from sure。”

2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1。 When I’m on holiday I like to tuck into a nice plate of bacon and eggs for my breakfast!

2。 Consumption of coffee has increased considerably。 Now there seems to be a shop selling it on every street corner。

3。 After being ill for several weeks, my doctor has recommended I eat some nutritious meals to improve my health。

4。 Getting poor grades in my exams was hard to swallow - but I guess I can try again next year。

5。 The bread tasted awful! I think it was full of preservatives, which is why it stayed fresh for a week!