Minecraft 快照 20w10a 更新日誌

Today‘s snapshot is loud! It comes with a bunch of new ambient sound that adds some really nice flavour to the Nether biomes。 Apart from this, you now have to use the smithing table to craft Netherite。 Happy mining!

今天的快照很噪!新加入了許多環境音效,讓下界生物群系更加豐富多彩。除此之外,現在你可以用鍛造臺製作 Netherite 工具了。祝你挖礦愉快!

20w10a 中的新特性

Added crimson and warped hyphae – all-sided ’stem‘ blocks including stripped variations


Use a smithing table to fuse the Netherite ingot with your diamond weapon/tool/armor

可以用鍛造臺將 Netherite 錠和你的鑽石武器/工具/盔甲熔接在一起了!

New ambient sounds for the Nether biomes


20w10a 的修改

Fish now despawn when further than 64 blocks away from the closest player


Hoes are now more like other tools used to break blocks


Updated the Netherite item textures

更新了 Netherite 物品的材質


We’ve made some changes to Hoes to make them more useful in the Nether。


Each tier has different speed at which Hoes mine blocks they are effective against


Hoes can now be enchanted with the following enchantments: Efficiency, Fortune, Silk Touch


Those enchantments can now be provided through the enchanting table。



We‘ve made some changes to Hoes to make them more useful in the Nether。


Each tier has different speed at which Hoes mine blocks they are effective against


Hoes can now be enchanted with the following enchantments: Efficiency, Fortune, Silk Touch


Those enchantments can now be provided through the enchanting table。


20w10a 的漏洞修復

MC-130906 - Dolphins are moving very fast when near a boat

MC-130906 - 靠近船的時候海豚會遊得非常快

MC-131046 - Angry dolphins give players dolphin’s grace

MC-131046 - 憤怒的海豚也會給予玩家恩惠

MC-146824 - Inconsistency: Ladders and tripwire hooks cannot be placed on the sides of redstone blocks, observers and target blocks

MC-146824 - 功能的不一致性:梯子和絆線鉤無法放置於紅石塊、偵測器和標靶方塊的側面

MC-147496 - Dolphin tries to catch the boat of the non-player ride

MC-147496 - 海豚會追逐沒有玩家的船

MC-152441 - Corner quartz stairs (not corner smooth quartz stairs) do not have the border on the back/bottom that a normal quartz stair would have

MC-152441 - 轉角的石英樓梯(不是平滑石英的版本)的背面及底部沒有邊界線,這與普通的石英樓梯不同

MC-165518 - Village houses desert_temple_1 and plains_temple_4 have no floor at entrance

MC-165518 - 村民的屋子 desert_temple_1 與 plains_temple_4 在入口處沒有地板

MC-169533 - Asymmetrical walls in snowy_cartographer_house_1

MC-169533 - snowy_cartographer_house_1 的牆面不對稱

MC-169715 - Misrotated block in snowy_small_house_3

MC-169715 - snowy_small_house_3 有旋轉不正確的方塊

MC-169869 - Mooshroom using incorrect texture in Programmer Art

MC-169869 - 在《程式設計師的藝術》材質包中哞菇的材質不正確

MC-170242 - Asymmetrical walls in taiga_medium_house_4

MC-170242 - taiga_medium_house_4 的牆面不對稱

MC-170470 - At snowy_library_1, the snow block is placed next to the window, which causes ugly visual effect

MC-170470 - 在 snowy_library_1中,雪方塊放置在窗戶旁邊,很難看

MC-170819 - Netherite sword and boots textures have transparent pixels

MC-170819 - Netherite 劍和靴子的材質有透明畫素

MC-170829 - When dropping netherite tools and armor into lava, it sounds as if they are burning

MC-170829 - 把 Netherite 工具或盔甲丟入岩漿,會發出燃燒音效

MC-170897 - Fossils in soulsand valleys can be generated in the air

MC-170897 - 靈魂沙谷的化石會生成在空中

MC-171367 - Warped Fungi item does not match block texture

MC-171367 - 詭異菌的物品與方塊材質不匹配

MC-171447 - Crimson root item form has inconsistent texture

MC-171447 - 緋紅菌根的物品有著不一致的材質

MC-172077 - Piglins with NoAI shake in the overworld

MC-172077 - NoAI 狀態下的豬靈會顫抖

MC-172082 - Piglins do not serialize their conversion time

MC-172082 - 豬靈不會將轉化時間序列化

MC-172242 - Left handed piglins don’t look at gold ingots in their right hand

MC-172242 - 左撇子的豬靈不會看他們右手的金錠

MC-172567 - Wither skeletons don’t automaticly attack piglins

MC-172567 - 凋零骷髏不會自動攻擊豬靈

MC-173021 - Unuseful warning is logged when server receives incorrect vehicle movement packets

MC-173021 - 在收到不正確的交通工具移動發包時,伺服器會記錄無用的警告資訊

MC-173090 - Attacking baby piglins don’t anger any adult piglins

MC-173090 - 攻擊豬靈幼仔不會激怒成年豬靈

MC-173165 - Piglin Bartering Loot Table contains an extra “set_count” function

MC-173165 - 豬靈的易物戰利品表包含了多餘的“set_count”函式

MC-173168 - The word “backup” appears instead of the phrase “back up。”

MC-173168 - “backup”一詞應該寫成“back up”

MC-173169 - Piglins still aren’t attracted to powered rails

MC-173169 - 豬靈不會被動力鐵軌吸引

MC-173176 - Serialization error affecting operators list and whitelist

MC-173176 - 影響op名單和白名單的序列化錯誤

MC-173244 - Target block moved by pistons permanently keep their signal strength

MC-173244 - 標靶方塊在被活塞移動後會永久保留其訊號強度


Minecraft 快照 20w10a 更新日誌