

標題:Interpretable Goal-based Prediction and Planning for Autonomous Driving

作者:Stefano V。 Albrecht, Cillian Brewitt, John Wilhelm, Balint Gyevnar, Francisco Eiras, Mihai Dobre , Subramanian Ramamoorthy



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圖 1。IGP2系統概述

圖 2。4個測試場景中的IGP2


圖 3。城鎮1和城鎮2的佈局


圖 4。在場景S1-S4中,選定車輛的真實目標的平均機率。注:S1/S3的長度比Tab中所示的要短。因為可能的車輛目標在達到出口點後改變,我們只顯示初始可能目標的軌跡。


圖 5。 在鎮1和鎮2的10條路線的IGP2和Cons的行駛時間(秒)


We propose an integrated prediction and planning system for autonomous driving which uses rational inverse planning to recognise the goals of other vehicles。 Goal recognition informs a Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) algorithm to plan optimal maneuvers for the ego vehicle。 Inverse planning and MCTS utilise a shared set of defined maneuvers and macro actions to construct plans which are explainable by means of rationality principles。 Evaluation in simulations of urban driving scenarios demonstrate the system’s ability to robustly recognise the goals of other vehicles, enabling our vehicle to exploit non-trivial opportunities to significantly reduce driving times。 In each scenario, we extract intuitive explanations for the predictions which justify the system’s decisions。