如何用流體力學泡出更好喝的茶?|Physics of Fluids

如何用流體力學泡出更好喝的茶?|Physics of Fluids

圖片來源:ETH Zürich, Department of Health Science and Technology, Institute of Food Nutrition and Health, Zürich, Switzerland

翻譯 李靜一

編輯 戚譯引

有時候我們會感覺需要點魔法來開啟全新的一天,而泡一杯好茶則需要的是一點科學。在美國物理聯合會(AIP)出版的《流體物理學》(Physics of Fluids)中,瑞士蘇黎世聯邦理工學院(ETH Zurich)的研究人員描述了他們如何將流變學(rheology)科學地應用於“提高一杯紅茶的品質”這一看似離奇有趣的目的。




“介面流變學的實驗會涉及到在茶的表面放置一種金屬裝置,”共同作者 Caroline Giacomin 介紹說,“這一裝置的旋轉是經過精心控制的,而茶膜在旋轉下受到的阻力能讓我們確定它的強度。”

雖然茶膜的形成有很多原因,但茶葉殘留的蠟層卻一直被認為是罪魁禍首。然而在 20 世紀 90 年代的研究推翻了這一說法,同時幫助科學家確定在眾多與茶反應形成薄膜的化合物中,碳酸鈣的貢獻比重最大。

“許多地區的自來水來自石灰岩含水層,裡面含有碳酸鈣,這種化合物本身無害,並且可以使水的味道‘更清新’,” Giacomin 介紹說,“美國中西部的許多家庭都有軟水器,用來減少水中的碳酸鈣含量,防止水龍頭裡沉積水垢。”



Giacomin 說:“在幹茶中加入酸性成分,比如柑橘,可以降低那層薄膜的可見性,同時增添風味。”



【標題】Black tea interfacial rheology and calcium carbonate

【作者】Caroline E。 Giacomina and Peter Fischera

【期刊】Physics of Fluids

【日期】07 September 2021




【摘要】An interfacial phenomenon can be observed in the kitchen in a cup of black tea。 When tea is left to cool after steeping, a thin film at the air–water interface can form。 In certain conditions, this film is observable by naked eye and, when disturbed, cracks visibly like sea ice。 The mechanical properties of this interfacial film are assessed using bicone interfacial rheometry。 Water hardness, acidity, the presence of sugar or milk, tea concentration, and brewing temperature all affect the formation of this film。 Interfaces formed in hard water (200 mg CaCO3/L) exhibit increased elastic modulus vs those in moderately hard water (100 mg CaCO3/L), soft water (50 mg CaCO3/L), and Milli-Q water。 All films formed in chemically hardened water exhibit yielding point behavior in the interfacial oscillatory shear。 Film physical thickness shows no correlation with measured physical strength。 Conditions forming the strongest film, chemically hardened water, may be industrially useful in packaged tea beverages for preferable shelf stability and for emulsion stabilization of milk tea products。 Conditions forming weakened films, addition of citric acid, may be useful for dried tea mixes。 In lab conditions, the film visibility is obscured due to purity of tea ingredients and careful washing。 However, the film physically forms and can still be measured through interfacial rheometry。
