

How the World’s Squarest Fish Gets Around


●squarest adj。最方形的,最四四方方的;

square adj。正方形的;

▶ s- 加強語氣;

▶ quar 四邊形(來自拉丁詞根 quat、quad);

▶ quarter 四分之一;

▶ a square meal = a good, satisfying meal 一頓豐盛的飯;

●get around 到處遊走;

It is difficult for her to get around since she broke her leg。


The yellow boxfish doesn’t look nimble(敏捷靈巧的)。 Squat(矮胖的) and rectangular, it resembles(像) a plastic storage bin with fins。 Even its coloring suggests clumsiness(笨拙) — juveniles(幼年的) are hard hat yellow with black spots, as if to say “coming through!” But on a

coral reef

(珊瑚礁), you’ll find these cuboid(立方體的) creatures darting(急衝、飛奔) in and out of tight spaces, snatching(一下子抓住) shrimp(小蝦) from crevices(狹縫) and cornering(轉彎) like BMX(腳踏車越野) champs(冠軍)。 The combination of their

body plan

(身形,體型) and swimming style “really boggles(使……難以置信) the mind。”

●yellow boxfish 黃箱魚;

●nimble adj。敏捷靈巧的;

nimble fingers 靈巧的雙手;

●squat adj。矮胖的;矮而寬的;


▶ squat down 蹲坐;

▶ deep squat 深蹲;

●rectangular adj。長方形的;

rectangle n。矩形;

●resemble v。類似,像;

Echo resembles her sister to some extent。

Echo 老師有點像她的姐姐。

assemble v。集合,聚集;

▶ All the students were asked to assemble in the classroom。

所有的學生被要求到 教室集中。

●plastic adj。塑膠;

●storage n。儲存;倉庫;

●bin n。箱,垃圾箱;

●fin n。鰭;


tail fin 尾翼,尾鰭;

shark fin soup 魚翅、魚翅羹;

bird‘s nest 燕窩;

●clumsiness n。笨拙;粗陋;不漂亮;

clumsy adj。笨拙的

●juvenile n。幼魚,青少年;

●hard hat n。安全帽;

●come through 透過,安然度過;

You will go through tough times, it’s about coming through that。

艱難的時候總 會過去,只要你能堅持下來。

●coral reef n。珊瑚礁;

●cuboid adj。立方形的,立方體的;

●dart v。急衝,飛奔;

A dog darted across the road accidently。 一條狗突然躥過馬路。

●in and out 進進出出;

●snatch v。一下子抓住;

snatched at a rock 一把抓住了一塊岩石。


▶ snatch at one’s invitation 馬上就答應了某人的邀請;

●shrimp n。蝦;小蝦;

●crevice n。裂縫;裂隙;

●corner v。轉彎;

●BMX champs abbr。腳踏車越野冠軍(Bicycle Motocross champions)●body plan 身體的橫剖面線,身型;

a seating plan 座位安排示意圖;

a floor plan 樓層平面圖;

●boggle v。使……難以置信,驚奇;

goggle n。護目鏡;

= surprise = amaze= confuse = floor;

▶ A couple of questions completely floored me。


參考翻譯:黃箱魚看起來並不敏捷。它矮胖又呈矩形的身形,像極 了帶鰭的塑膠儲物箱。甚至它的顏色也讓人聯想到笨拙——幼魚似 一個黃底黑點的安全帽,好像在說“透過!”。但在珊瑚礁上,你 會發現這些立方體生物在狹窄的空間裡穿梭自如,從狹縫裡抓取小 蝦,然後像越野腳踏車冠軍一樣極速轉彎。他們的身型和游泳風格 的完美結合讓人歎為觀止。

It has also inspired decades of research into how, exactly, they manage to move with such agility(敏捷)。 The latest foray(嘗試), carried out by Mr。 Boute and colleagues when he was a master’s student at the University of Groningen and published in Royal Society Open Science last week,

lays out

(清晰的表達) the role of one understudied(未充分研究的) element: the fish’s tail fin。 Most fish, from minnows to sharks, have pliant(柔韌的) bodies, which they undulate(起伏) to move through the water。

●manage to do sth。 設法做某事;

= try to do sth。

= contrive to do sth。;

●agility n。敏捷,靈活,機敏;

●foray n。涉足,嘗試;

●colleague n。同事;

●master n。碩士;

Master‘s degree 碩士學位;

Doctor’s degree 博士學位;

Bachelor‘s degree 學士學位;

●University of Groningen 荷蘭格羅寧根大學;

●Royal Society Open Science 《英國皇家學會開 放科學》;

●lay out 清晰地表達;

●understudied adj。未被充分研究的;

●minnow n。鰷魚(一種小淡水魚);

●shark n。鯊魚;

●pliant adj。易彎的,柔韌的;

●undulate v。起伏,波動;呈波浪形;

參考翻譯:這也引發了數十年的研究,去深究它們究竟如何做到如 此敏捷地移動。布特先生在格羅寧根大學攻讀碩士研究生期間與他 的同事著手進行了最新的研究,這份研究上週發表在《皇家學會開 放科學》雜誌上,清晰地闡明瞭魚尾鰭這個未被充分研究的因素所 發揮的作用。大多數魚,小到鰷魚,大到鯊魚,都有適應水棲的柔 韌體型,能夠在水中起伏移動。

But boxfish sport(穿戴) a set of hard, bony plates, called a carapace。 The carapace acts like a suit of armor(盔甲) — protecting them against predators(捕食者), but restricting(限制) their flexibility(靈活性)。 So if they want to move, “they can only use their fins,” Mr。 Boute said。 It also gives them their strange shapes: other boxfish species look like purses(錢包), Frisbees(飛盤) or ottomans(腳凳)。

●sport v。得意地穿戴;誇示;故意顯示;

= wear;

sport a beard 故意蓄著大鬍子;

●bony adj。骨的,骨質的;

●carapace n。(某些動物,如蟹的)甲殼,背甲, 外殼;

●armor n。盔甲;

body armor 防彈衣,護身服;

●predator n。捕食者;

●restrict v。限制;約束;限定;

●flexibility n。靈活性;彈性;適應性;

●Frisbees n。弗里斯比飛盤(投擲遊戲用的飛 碟);

●ottoman n。(無扶手或靠背)軟墊凳;

參考翻譯:但是箱魚有一套堅硬的骨板,稱為甲殼。甲殼就像一副 盔甲,保護它們免遭捕食者的攻擊,但同時也限制了它們的靈活性。 因此,如果它們想要移動,“它們只能用鰭”,布特說。它(甲殼) 還賦予了它們的奇形怪狀:其他的箱形魚看起來像錢包、飛盤或腳 凳。