

波粒二象性(wave-particle duality)指的是所有的粒子或量子不僅可以部分地以粒子的術語來描述,也可以部分地用波的術語來描述。這意味著經典的有關“粒子”與“波”的概念失去了完全描述量子範圍內的物理行為的能力。愛因斯坦這樣描述這一現象:“好像有時我們必須用一套理論,有時候又必須用另一套理論來描述(這些粒子的行為),有時候又必須兩者都用。我們遇到了一類新的困難,這種困難迫使我們要藉助兩種互相矛盾的的觀點來描述現實,兩種觀點單獨是無法完全解釋光的現象的,但是合在一起便可以。”波粒二象性是微觀粒子的基本屬性之一。1905年,愛因斯坦提出了光電效應的光量子解釋,人們開始意識到光波同時具有波和粒子的雙重性質。1924年,德布羅意提出“物質波”假說,認為和光一樣,一切物質都具有波粒二象性。根據這一假說,電子也會具有干涉和衍射等波動現象,這被後來的電子衍射試驗所證實。 2015年瑞士洛桑聯邦理工學院科學家成功拍攝出光同時表現波粒二象性的照片。






我稱構建物質的建築模組為CU’s(units of consciousness)——意識單元。它們形成了存在於你的認識和經驗裡的物質,意識單元也形成其它你感知不到的物質。







Now: I call the building blocks of matter CU‘s—units of consciousness。 They form physical matter as it exists in your understanding and experience。 Units of consciousness also form other kinds of matter that you do not perceive。1

CU’s can also operate as “particles” or as “waves。” Whichever way they operate, they are aware of their own existences。 When CU‘s operate as particles, in your terms, they build up a continuity in time。 They take on the characteristics of particularity。 They identify themselves by the establishment of specific boundaries。

(Long pause。) They take certain forms, then, when they operate as particles, and experience their reality from “the center of” those forms。 They concentrate upon, or focus upon, their unique specificiations。 They become in your terms (underlined) individual。

When CU’s operate as waves, however, they do not set up any boundaries about their own self-awareness—and when operating as waves CU‘s can indeed be in more than one place at one time。

I understand that this is somewhat difficult material to comprehend。 However (pause), in its purest form a unit of consciousness can be in all places at the same time (forcefully)。 It becomes beside the point, then, to say that when it operates as a wave a unit of consciousness is precognitive, or clairvoyant, since it has the capacity to be in all places and all times simultaneously。

Those units of consciousness are the building blocks for the physical material of your body, for the trees and rocks, the oceans, the continents, and the very manifestation of space itself as you understand it。