貝殼 shell|用心聆聽海的聲音


貝殼 shell|用心聆聽海的聲音

唐銳  美居藤傢俱實業 設計總監

貝殼 shell|用心聆聽海的聲音

● 海的魅力無窮無盡,貝殼是海的孩子,身上留著海的身影。本該靜靜地躺在沙灘上等待風沙吞噬的小小貝殼,被撿起來了。

The charm of the sea is endless, shells are the children of the sea, the body of the sea。The little shell that should have been lying quietly on the sand waiting for the wind to devour was picked up。

貝殼 shell|用心聆聽海的聲音

● 這不是一枚普通的貝殼,它側如隨風湧動的海浪,背似優雅開屏的孔雀,靈動的線條,讓堅硬的鐵線都變得柔滑起來。

This is not an ordinary shell, its side is like the waves surging with the wind, the back is like an elegant peacock spreading its tail, clever lines, so that the hard wire becomes soft and smooth。

貝殼 shell|用心聆聽海的聲音

● 每一張貝殼椅都是在實現一個夢,無論是大人還是孩子對海的熱愛都是不一樣的,家裡放上一張貝殼椅,讓生活與夢想一同起航!

Each shell chair is in the realization of a dream, whether adults or children are not the same love for the sea, put a shell chair at home, let life and dream together set sail!

貝殼 shell|用心聆聽海的聲音