AMC總部 與 威斯尼綜合娛樂城總部 盛大開業


AMC總部 與 威斯尼綜合娛樂城總部 盛大開業

開幕式在AMC總部一樓大廳舉行,出席開幕儀式的分別有AMC CEO 呂凱文,威斯尼綜合娛樂城CEO Andy,AMC CMO Ben, Crypto Valley 代表黃先生以及超過百位AMC持有者。燒香剪綵後,熱鬧的醒獅儀式和切燒豬儀式將現場帶入高潮。

AMC總部 與 威斯尼綜合娛樂城總部 盛大開業


AMC總部 與 威斯尼綜合娛樂城總部 盛大開業

AMC CEO表示公司所提倡的百幣聯盟,本身擁有良好的市場策略以及完善的管理團隊。在未來將會以這裡為據點,孵化更多優質公司。 此次總部的啟用,更多說明了AMC對服務的全力以赴,能更全面的把密安所有的服務以及諮詢更體貼的傳遞到每一位支持者。

開業當天更是吸引了來自世界各地人民的關注,現場活動豐富生動,精彩紛呈!本次開業典禮的盛大舉行更是預示著一個新的商業時代的來臨, 在所有會員的見證與支援下,AMC與威斯尼綜合娛樂城專案方定當不負使命,再創輝煌!

AMC總部 與 威斯尼綜合娛樂城總部 盛大開業

Grand Opening of the Headquarters of AMC and the Wisney Integrated Entertainment City!

The headquarters of AMC and the Wisney Integrated Entertainment City are grandly opened on November 17, 2018。 AMC and the Wisney Integrated Entertainment Center headquarters representatives, guests, and media attended the ceremony and witnessed this extraordinary moment!

The opening ceremony was held at the first floor of the AMC Headquarters lobby。 Mr Edmund, CEO of AMC, Mr Andy, CEO of Wisney Integrated Entertainment City, Mr Ben, CMO of AMC, Mr Ooi, Crypto Valley representative, and more than hundred AMC holders attended the opening ceremony。 After the burning incense and ribbon cutting affair, the authentic lion dance and the roasted pig cutting ceremony created a sensational atmosphere for the grand opening。

The interior design of the headquarters of AMC and the Integrated Entertainment City are modern, fresh and elegant。

The CEO of AMC said that the Million-chain Alliances advocated by the company has its own good marketing strategy and perfect management team。 In the future, the headquarters will act as a base to incubate more quality companies。 The main focus of the headquarters is to comprehensively convey the services and consultations of Mi’an to every supporter。

The opening attracted the attention of people from all over the world and the live events were wonderful and vibrant。 The grand opening represents a new era of business。 With the witness and support of all members, AMC and the Wisney Integrated Entertainment City projects will continue to boost and create greater glories!